Where to Buy it?
1.All Supermarkets
That is Tuskys,Cleanshelf and Foodplus.
It is on the baking ails near things like brown sugar and icing sugar.Just ask the attendants and they will show you.[caption id="attachment_1495" width="680"] 21 ksh[/caption]ksh 25 for 100 grams
They have an organic one that is the best.This obviously costs more so just buy it if you want the best.
ksh 395 for 200 grams
Buy from Healthyu www.healthyuonline.com
3.Jumia Online Market
It is available on jumia online shop
ksh 21 for 100grams
[gallery ids="1495,1494" columns="2" size="full"]
4.Naivas Online Shopping
They now have an online shopping platform where you shop then you can choose to pick the items from the store already packed or they deliver to where you are at a cost.
ksh 20 for 100 grams
Go to www.naivasonlineshopping.com
5.Carefour Online shopping
You can shop online from carefour through the jumia site then they deliver to you.
Shop Carefour Online- carefouronline/jumia
ksh 44 for 100grams
6.Baking Equipment Shops
Topserve Limited-kimathi street
organicandsugarworld shop -westlands
ksh 30 for 100 grams
Those are the places to buy baking soda in Kenya.
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